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Monday, August 24, 2020
Leonardo da Vinci :: Essays Papers
Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo was conceived on April 15, 1452, close to the town of Vinci. His imaginative ability uncovered itself right on time, for he was apprenticed in 1469 to a main Renaissance ace. In the Florence workshop, where he stayed until 1476, Leonardo obtained an assortment of abilities. He entered the painters organization in 1472, and his soonest works date from this time. Works, for example, the Madonna with the carnation which despite the fact that are conventional, incorporate detail, for example, twisting hair which no one but Leonardo could have done. In 1478 he was approached to paint a special stepped area piece for the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. After three years he painted the Adoration of the Magi for the religious community of San Donato a Scopeto. It is the most significant of all his initial works of art. In it, Leonardo appears just because his technique for sorting out considers along with a pyramid shape, so intrigue is centered around the chief subject. This venture was hindered when Leonardo left Florence for Milan around 1482. Leonardo worked for Duke Lodovico Sforza in Milan for almost 18 years. Despite the fact that he was as yet a craftsman, painting pictures, he started to get intrigued by the technician and logical field. Be that as it may, these interests didn't prevent him from finishing his most well known work, The last dinner. In 1499 Leonardo left Milan to secure another position. For around four years, he changed from employment to work. He came back to Florence in 1503, and endeavored a few critical imaginative ventures, including the Battle of Anghiari painting for the board office of the Town Hall, the picture of Mona Lisa, and the lost Leda and the Swan. Around this time he started to turn out to be increasingly associated with life structures and played out certain analyzations. Leonardo came back to Milan in June 1506. He was called to work for the new French government. He stayed in Milan for a long time. The imaginative venture on which he centered right now was the equestrian landmark to Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, which was additionally never finished. Around this time he turned out to be so associated with science that his specialty turned into an impression of it. Leonardo da Vinci :: Essays Papers Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo was conceived on April 15, 1452, close to the town of Vinci. His aesthetic ability uncovered itself right on time, for he was apprenticed in 1469 to a main Renaissance ace. In the Florence workshop, where he stayed until 1476, Leonardo procured an assortment of abilities. He entered the painters society in 1472, and his soonest works date from this time. Works, for example, the Madonna with the carnation which in spite of the fact that are customary, incorporate detail, for example, twisting hair which no one but Leonardo could have done. In 1478 he was approached to paint a raised area piece for the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. After three years he painted the Adoration of the Magi for the religious community of San Donato a Scopeto. It is the most significant of all his initial artistic creations. In it, Leonardo appears just because his strategy for sorting out considers along with a pyramid shape, so intrigue is centered around the chief subject. This undertaking was hindered when Leonardo left Florence for Milan around 1482. Leonardo worked for Duke Lodovico Sforza in Milan for about 18 years. Despite the fact that he was as yet a craftsman, painting pictures, he started to get keen on the technician and logical field. However, these interests didn't prevent him from finishing his most renowned work, The last dinner. In 1499 Leonardo left Milan to secure another position. For around four years, he changed from occupation to work. He came back to Florence in 1503, and endeavored a few noteworthy masterful ventures, including the Battle of Anghiari painting for the committee office of the Town Hall, the picture of Mona Lisa, and the lost Leda and the Swan. Around this time he started to turn out to be progressively engaged with life systems and played out certain analyzations. Leonardo came back to Milan in June 1506. He was called to work for the new French government. He stayed in Milan for a long time. The masterful venture on which he centered as of now was the equestrian landmark to Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, which was likewise never finished. Around this time he turned out to be so engaged with science that his craft turned into an impression of it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chapter Three Assignment Essay Example for Free
Part Three Assignment Essay Awards in-helps are government reserves gave to states and areas. Awards in-help significantly expanded in scope in the twentieth century and were alluring to state authorities for different reasons, notwithstanding, all out awards are another type of awards in-help which are to be utilized for a particular reason characterized in a government law, meaningfully or procedurally, with practically no opportunity on how it is to be spent, and frequently requires neighborhood coordinating assets. The fundamental worry with straight out awards is the immense measure of contention between chose state and neighborhood authorities and the pros of their own organizations just as those in the national government’s managerial offices (pg. 131), including a rising open reaction against government unfunded orders. There are seven basic reactions with all out awards: The multiplication of undertaking awards clashes with evening out administrative assets, limiting unmitigated guide utilizes contorts state and neighborhood arrangement needs, state and nearby pioneers bit by bit yielding approach activity to help granters, the national government not supporting every open assistance, the way that states and areas are required to set up coordinating assets to get help, the applications being hard to apply for and frequently waiting be resubmitted because of details, and the coordination of several awards spread across an excessive number of offices (pg. 132). Not very many activities for change have been taken in change encompassing the award in-help framework, albeit general income sharing and square awards were acquainted as arrangements with the serious issues of the framework, just as the development for resident support in regulatory dynamic and accomplishing better coordination among multiplying help programs (pg. 138).
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Official Transcripts COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Official Transcripts COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog In order for an admission file to be complete and forwarded to the Admission Committee for review we do require that official transcripts from any college or university attended be mailed to our office. Even if an applicant only took a few classes at a school, we still need official transcripts. Another way to look at it is this: if the college or university is listed on your résumé or on the application, we need official transcripts. For the majority of schools we work with this means that the college or university seals the transcripts in an envelope for delivery to our office. However we work with schools from all over the world and realize that policies vary. The point is that transcripts mailed to our office (we do not accept electronic delivery) must be authentic and official and this can be defined by schools differently. Examples of ways that schools certify transcripts can include: A heat responsive stamp An embossed school stamp Official stickers or ink stamps placed on the transcripts by a university or authorized official A signature of an authorized official across the sealed flap of the envelope Transcripts do not need to be sent directly to our office but if transcripts are sent to you, please do not open them prior to sending them to our office. There are two circumstances where we can allow for you to open the transcripts and both involve third party translation or authorization. Some schools will only provide one official transcript to a graduate. In this case we recommend that you hold on to the official copy since we do not return documents submitted to our office. If your school will only release one copy, take the official copy to a notary public and have them copy the transcripts, authenticate the copy, and seal the copy in an envelope for delivery to our office. Contact information for the official who copied the transcripts should be included in the envelope. The same would apply for transcripts that need to be translated into English. If your transcripts are not in English, deliver them to an authorized official for translation and have the translated copy certified and sealed for delivery to our office. A common organization we recommend for transcript translation is World Education Services. If you participated in an official exchange program and this is noted on the transcripts of your home school, we do not need official transcripts from the exchange school. However, if there is no official relationship between the home school and exchange school, we need copies from both schools. The reason for this is that each school may use different codes and grading systems. These codes and grading systems are typically explained on the reverse side of the transcripts. Finally, if your school does not use a 4.0 grading scale and you are wondering what to put on your admission application, you may input a GPA of 0.0. The GPA listed on the application is self reported and does not influence your evaluation. Indicating a score of 0.0 will alert the Committee to pay attention to the scale used by the schools you have attended.
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Study Of U.s. Oncologists Recommends That Backing For...
Rough Draft A study of U.S. oncologists recommends that backing for assisted suicide in this time has declined significantly. A study surveyed 3299 individuals from the American Culture of Clinical Oncology in 1998. It discovered 22.5% in support for doctor assisted suicide for a patient in critical condition with unremitting agony, contrasted with 45.5% support for in 1994. Assisted suicide in this circumstance was upheld by 6.5%, contrasted with 22.7% in 1994. Surgical oncologists will probably uphold these practices; Catholics, or those who view themselves as religious, and the individuals who say they have significant time to converse near death patients about end-of-life consideration were not as likely to do so. The individuals who reject killing and assisted suicide are likewise less likely to increase the amount of morphine drips a patient in pain can use for relief. This reticence, they note, probably reflects fear that increasing opioid dose increases the risks for respiratory depression and death and might be construed as a form of euthanasia. This view may be encouraged by proponents of euthanasia who have argued that there is no difference between increasing morphine for pain relief and euthanasia. The authors urge increased efforts to educate physicians on the ethical and legal acceptability of increasing narcotics for pain control, even at the risk of respiratory depression and death (E. Emanuel ., Attitudes and Practices of U.S. Oncologists
Friday, May 8, 2020
Gender Roles of Boys and Girls Essay - 847 Words
Sondra Staubitz English 102 Paper #1 March 3, 2011 â€Å"Boys and Girls†â€Å"Boys and Girls†is a coming of age story about a girl who is enjoying her life as a tomboy. The young girl, who does not want to assume traditional female gender roles and is very resistant about becoming a woman. The story â€Å"Boys and Girls†by Alice Munro explores issues of feminism, and gender roles through key elements such as characterization, symbolism, and theme. The author presents her characters through direct description and also shows them in action. In â€Å"Boys and Girls†the central character is a young girl who narrates the story about her life on a farm and about her search for gender identity.†¦show more content†¦The girl and her brother climbed up the fence and watched Flora running free in the barnyard. Despite the fact that Flora was just an old mare, â€Å"it was exciting to see her running, whinnying, going up on her hind legs, prancing and threatening like a horse in a Weste rn movie†(Munro 577). Generally, a horse that runs free like â€Å"an unbroken ranch horse,†symbolizes a freedom of spirit and freedom of existence. The horse that was locked in a dark stable for several long winter months, could not resist the power of space and fresh air, and understandably went wild, when she was taken out on a bright spring day. Perhaps, a sense of the coming end made Flora take advantage of a sudden freedom and enjoys the last moments of her life. No wonder that the independence-spirited girl, who was confined in the same old farm for eleven years, got excited about watching broken free Flora. The theme of â€Å"Boys and Girls†addresses the challenges of acquiring self-awareness as a girl and the transition from the childhood tomboy into the woman her mother wants her to be. The girl feels uneasy about becoming a woman, because she enjoys helping her father and respects his work. The girl does not want to take part in the female gend er chores in the house; she wants to work outside with her father. The story is centered on gender roles of women and the girl must face and accept that her role is notShow MoreRelatedGender Roles For Boys And Girls Essay1101 Words  | 5 PagesSo, what if a boy in the classroom decides that they want to play house with a baby doll or maybe dress up as a princess? Or maybe a girl decides she would rather get dirty and play monster than play dolls. Those children would be going against the typical general roles for boys and girls. Some adults are not ok with children going against their typical role, for example if a boy plays with a doll some adults feel that they are losing their masculinity. However it is okay if a girl decides to playRead MoreGender Roles in Alice Munros Boys and Girls1081 Words  | 5 PagesIn Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls,†our narrator is a young farm girl on the verge of puberty who is learning what it means to be a â€Å"girl.†The story shows the differing gender roles of boys and girls – specifically that women are the weaker, more emotional sex – by showing how the adults of the story expect the children to grow into their respective roles as a girl and a boy, and how the children grow up and ultimately begin to fulfill these roles, making the transition from being â€Å"children†Read MoreGender Roles In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro815 Words  | 4 PagesIn a time and society pervaded with gender roles and labels, bo ys and girls tells a story of a young girl’s initial confrontation with domesticity. To set the stage, the protagonist is a 10-year old unnamed girl. Meanwhile, her brother was named synonymous to â€Å"Lord†, a titled gentleman. Apparently, Alice Munro will not take this treatment of women as second class citizens sitting down. My father did not talk to me unless it was about the job we were doing†¦ Nevertheless I worked willingly underRead MoreGender Roles In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro1192 Words  | 5 PagesHistorically, gender roles determined one’s course of life. Learning from generations past and how a person is raised, teaches one what is expected of them in the future. In Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls†, the expectations of each gender determines the narrator’s role in society and who she becomes. This story is set in the mid twentieth century, a time where men and women were seen as having different purposes in life (Jade Mazarin). Throughout the story, it is portrayed that men wereRead MoreGender Roles : Alice Munro s Boys And Girls 1051 Words  | 5 PagesGender Roles In Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†, the story is focused on a working class family who lives on a farm. A man’s role on the farm or in general is to work for the family and do the heavy work that a woman wouldn’t be able to do. The daughter in the story is very much inspired by the father and wishes to pursue in the activities that are being performed around the farm. The mother needs help around the house and that was the role many females took over for many centuries and generationsRead MoreGender Roles Are Perceived By Society Between Girls And Boys1305 Words  | 6 Pagesthe research is to analyze and compare two studies of how gender roles are perceived by society between girls verse boys in science, technology fields in comparison to sports. The researchers collected data from both studies to help give a better understanding in the roles of femininity verse masculinity, and to determine what career choices girls and boys were likely to be int erested in. The first research is a qualitative study of why girls were interested in the fields of science, math, and engineeringRead MoreEssay Gender Roles in Alice Munro’s Boys and Girls1484 Words  | 6 PagesWhether it is the past or the present, there have always been gender roles in society. In most homes, it is the woman’s responsibility to take care of the house. This includes cleaning, meal preparations, raising and taking care of the children as well as the husband. Compared to the men who take care of the more physical activities, such as yard work. It was known throughout many years that it was a woman’s responsibility to stay in the house while the man would go out and look for work to provideRead More Gender Role Reevaluation in Boys and Girls by Alice Munro Essay775 Words  | 4 PagesGender Role Reevaluation in Boys and Girls    Recent history boldly notes the protests and political unrest surrounding the Vietnam Conflict during the 1960s and 70s. However, equally important in this era are the women who pushed for gender role reevaluation and publicly rebelled against the established social norm of a womans place. Although Alice Munro may not have been burning her bra on the courthouse steps, threads of a feminist influence can be found in Boys and Girls.Read MoreGender Roles in Alice Munro’s Boys and Girls and Bobbie Ann Mason’s Shiloh1068 Words  | 5 Pageshousewife was absurd, and a woman being the sole provider for the family bizarre. In Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls†and Bobbie Ann Mason’s â€Å"Shiloh†, conflict arises when expectations based on gender are not fulfilled by the characters. According to â€Å"Boys and Girls†, there are certain things women should not be doing as defined by their genders. The narrator, a young girl, feels more inclined to spend her time outside alongside her father, â€Å"I worked willingly under his eyes, and withRead MoreDo Schools and Mass Media Contribute to Stereotyped Gender Roles in Chinese Society?1586 Words  | 6 PagesGender role is defined as the social position and behavioral norm that is considered appropriate for an individual of a specific gender in the society (Liu, 2003). Every society has its unique culture and gender role is one of the products of a society’s history and culture. It is not set up by a single person within a short period, but by countless people in the society for thousands years. Parents started to shape their children’s gender by dressing and naming them according to their gender soon
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Notes on the European Union Free Essays
1) Key theoretical approaches to the European Integration Background – Intellectual context - ? to understand the theories of European integration, it is important to consider the intellectual context from which the idea of European integration emerged Federalism – Altiero Spinelli - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? Spinelli: leader of the European Union of Federalists: Idea: after the Second World War, the classes most privileged under old national system will seek a new order of nation states, that might appear democratic, but the power will return to the privileged classes eventually a? renewing war between states Proposal: o prevent this development, create a federal European state to subordinate national governments to a federal authority a? strategy of the Federalists, aimed to create a federal constitution for Europe Development: Congress took time to organize, taken place in Hague in 1948. By that time, national political systems were already re- ? establi shed a? Congress turned into the Council of Europe, not a new federal constitutional order Problem: diversity of Europe, different connotations in different part of Europe Mitrany: born in Romania, lived in UK and US, to build a â€Å"working peace system†, influencing integration heorists Against federalism b/c: o Single world government = threat to individual freedom o Regional federations = reproducing national rivalries on a larger scale Idea: root of the war = nationalism Proposal: create a separate international functional agencies, each with authority over specific area of human life o Scheme: individual tasks taken out of the control of the government, handing them to the functional agencies o Argument: Governments will surrender control because they will not fear the loss of sovereignty over e. g. We will write a custom essay sample on Notes on the European Union or any similar topic only for you Order Now health care, but rather appreciate the advantages of such tasks performed at the egional/world level o a? the more areas of control surrounded, the less states are capable of independent action a? the harder it is to break from the agencies Jean Monnet: planner of a Schuman Plan Combining ideas of functionalism and federalism, crucial for the neofunctionalist theory of European integration Functionalism – David Mitrany - ? - ? - ? - ? Functional- ? Federalism – Jean Monnet - ? - ? - ? - ? Idea: European nation state is inadequate as an economic unit Proposal: developing of supranational institutions as the basis for building economic community (coal and steel at the beginning) o Scheme: remove ontrol of the strategically crucial industries (coal and steel) from the governments, handing over to a free- ? standing agency (High Authority) o Challenge: Western German State o Solution: strategic industries removed from German control; ensuring adequate supplies of coal for the French steel industry a? economies are interconnected Theories Neofuncionalism – Ernst Haas - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? Pluralist theory – state not a single unified actor, neither it is the only actor on the international stage (non- ? state actors also important) Integration = process, once started, would undermine the sovereignty of states eyond the expectations of governments Activities of states = outcome of pluralistic political process, in which government decisions are influenced by the interest groups and bureaucratic actors European Commission = most important non- ? state international actor, manipulating domestic and international pressures on national governments to advance to process of European integration Mechanisms of the integration o Spillover  §? Integration in one sector will cause integration in further sectors, in order to fully enjoy the benefits of the integration of the original sector 1. Functi onal spillover †¢ Economies made up of nterconnected parts a? impossible to isolate one sector from others †¢ If MS integrated one sector of the economies, the interconnectedness between the sectors will lead to a spillover into other sectors †¢ Integration in one sector will work only if the interconnected sector is also integrated †¢ E. g. : increasing coal production across MS requires brining other forms of energy into the scheme. Otherwise, switch by one MS away from coal towards e. g. oil or nuclear fuel will throw out all the calculations for coal production 2. Political spillover †¢ Building up political pressure in favor of further integration †¢ Once ne sector is integrated, lobbying of interest groups occurs at supranational level (the organization in charge of running that sector) - ? - ? Groups will appreciate the benefits as a result of integration, realizing the barriers preventing these benefits from being fully enjoyed (not integr ating other sectors) a? advocating further integration and lobbying the governments †¢ E. g. : ECSC makes the representatives it the coal and steel industry switching the lobby activities (partly) from national governments to the new supranational agency (High Authority) o Technocratic automaticity  §? Institutions created will sponsor urther integration as they become more powerful and autonomous than member states Assessment of the theory o 1950s: neofunctionalism = winning theory explaining the transition from the ECSC into EC o 1960s: the end of neofunctionalism – Empty Chair Crisis (1965 – 1966) Gaulle’s veto; national governments showing power they are ready to use to determine the nature and pace of integration Aspects to be considered – theory not always applicable o Pluralist social structures  §? Member states must be democratic o Substantial economic and industrial development  §? A certain level of development – no significan t gap among hem o Common ideology among participating units  §? No centrally planned economies †¢ Mistakes of neofunctionalism: o Regional integration is not a self- ? contained process, but influence by a wider international context o Governments are uniquely powerful actors as they had formal sovereignty and democratic legitimacy o integration in low politics, not high politics (national security, defense) as states tend to protect their sovereignty (advocated by French in 1950) national government controls the nature and pace of integration in order to protect and promote national interest acknowledges the importance of other ctors than governments: o low politics (e. g. social policy): interest groups did influence, but were no the only ones – also government officials, parties in office rejects the theory of spillover effects: rejects the idea of common security policy, foreign policy or common armed forces power of supranational institutions increased because governments believed it to be their national interest a? integration only as far as the government allows power to the European Council and Council of Europe Intergovernmentalism – Stanley Hoffman - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? Liberal intergovernmentalism – Andrew Moravcsik - ? - ? ational interests = part of a domestic political process, within which economic interests are dominant two- ? level game o demand side  §? political elites, lobbyist, interest groups are acting and forming the demand of the state a? domestic events influence the demands of state interests on the international level o supply side  §? interacting of each state with conflicting interests on the level of intergovernmental sessions – Council of Ministers †¢ 1st stage – reach agreement on the common policy †¢ 2nd stage – reach agreement on institutional arrangements supranational institutions reduce transactional costs – more ff icient to co- ? exist a? institutions = tools, the main emphasis is on member states that can reduce the power of its supranational bodies Theory applied on negotiation of the Treaties of Rome (1955 – 58), Consolidation of the common market and CAP (1958 – 83), negotiation of SEA (1984 – 88), negotiation of the Treaty on EU (1988 – 91) a? conclusions: 1. Decisions = reflection of the preferences of national governments, not preferences of supranational organizations 2. National preferences = reflection of the balance of economic interests 3. delegating the power to the supranational authority means to ensure the ommitments of all parties, not a belief in the inherent efficiency of international organizations - ? - ? Extra Supranational governance – Stone Sweet, Sandholtz - ? - ? EU not one international regimes, but a series of regimes Increased transactions across national borders would create supranational society that favored the creation of supranational rules (more simple for operation) Multi- ? level governance – Gary Marks - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? rather an approach – EU as a political system with interconnected institutions existing at multiple levels with unique features national government = important decisional role, upranational institutions = autonomic role multilevel actions by multilevel actors (lobbies, companies, parties, states, interest groups) at international, state and regional level a? no superior actor, they are equal many informal relations existing (European norms), that are respected by different actors theory does not address the issue of transferring sovereignty and loyalty Constructivism - ? - ? rather an approach advocate of Europeanization, establishing common norms, habits, culture to bring people together – new social community (ministries with European department to synchronize the policies with the ones of he EU) – recognizes mul ti- ? level governance popular in EU 15 - ? 2) Formation of 3 Communities in the context of economic and political developments in post- ? WWII Europe ECSC – 1952 – Treaty of Paris EEC, EURATOM – 1957 – Treaty of Rome Motives for the formation of the Communities - ? - ? - ? - ? Reaction to the World Wars: horrifying example (lost lives) a? seeking a peaceful and stable European environment, political and economic cooperation instead of competition Soviet threat: cooperation blocks further Soviet expansion a? Cold war = catalyst for integration of western Europe Political willingness: political ooperation and development replacing economic competition, viewed as a factor in the outbreak of wars o countries seeking cooperation for different reasons  §? Germany, Italy – seeking respectability  §? France – seeking security from Germany Economic development: destroyed Europe needed reconstruction o Marshall plan (US inter ested in Europe) – financing the reconstruction of Europe, establishing what is now known as OECD o Bretton Woods Conference  §? 1944, 44 nations to talk about post- ? war economic order  §? GATT  §? IMF (to regulate the international monetary and financial order a? stable exchange rate) Schuman: French Foreign Minister; plan in collaboration with Jean Monnet Key points o relations between France and Germany needs to be renewed o linking French and German coal and steel industry by placing under control of a supranational body a? making war unthinkable and materially impossible (coal and steel = needed to produce armaments, thus capability of waging war) UK no involved in negotiations 1950 Schuman plan - ? - ? - ? ECSC – Treaty of Paris (1951/1952) - ? - ? - ? reduce tariffs by imposing levies on coal and steel production failed to create a single market for coal and steel a? further step needed joined by How to cite Notes on the European Union, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Blue Ridge Spain Essay Example
Blue Ridge Spain Paper Overall comments: need to tie narrative to terms/concepts from the book. Should stratify comments into uncontrollable and controllable forces. (like Todd did) Although Blue Ridge Restaurants had success with expansion and joint ventures in Australia, the UK, France, Italy, Brazil and Hong Kong through 1987, many differing factors were at play when Yannis Costas evaluated the market and strategy for the Spain in the 1ate 1990s. Factors described by D. A.Ball, et al, 1, considered relevant in a country screening and assessing market expansion, especially the xx screen, political and legal and the fourth screen, socio-cultural, were not favorable for an aggressive expansion in Spain. The key issues in the Delta Foods expansion in Spain are: Probe deeper on these questions: 1. What are the expertise strengths and unique resources that each partner brought to the joint venture? 2. Why does or doesn’t Blue Ridge need a joint venture in Spain? 3. Why does or doesnt Terralumen need a partner to develop such a business in Spain? Environment for joint venture * Peculiarities for doing business in Spain-failure to use value chain analysis What was the competitive cost position at the end of the value chain? * Terralumen is a package good company looking for restaurant partner * Market demand-package foods industry and non-tapas menu items popular with working professionals in urban areas only * Pressing Spaniards on American goals * Spanish economic trials of 1998-2004 * Lack of implementation plan-see keys to resource deployment Impedances: Socio-Cultural Fear of being exploited * Explain uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity concepts for Terralumen and BR/Delta Cultural differences, as related to doing business, come into play here in the Blue Ridge case Study. We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Ridge Spain specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Ridge Spain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Ridge Spain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Significant cross cultural conflicts between parent companies of different nationalities paved the way for the dissolution of the joint venture between Delta and Terralumen. In a Board of Director’s meeting, the American-Spanish joint venture partners could not work together or agree on common goals and policies, or resolve problems. The Hofstede Model has demonstrated that individuals living in a particular country tend to share similar values, and that they bring these values to the firms for which they work. The stark contrast of cultural values between managers of Delta and Terralumen make it difficult to ensure the success and the longevity of Blue Ridge Spain The European Regional Director, Yannis Costas, is of Greek nationality. According to Hofstede, Greece is high on power distance and high on uncertainty avoidance. In the Greek culture, people respect senior manager and would not prefer a young inexperienced manager. On the one hand Costas has put much effort into the joint venture and identifies with his work. That’s why he wants to help Blue Ridge. On the other hand, he has a good relationship to the Spaniards who value his ability to establish an interpersonal relationship which can also be traced back to his Greek roots. Decisions are made on subjective feelings and he wants a harmonious balance, a consensus. Overall, he is rather on the side of the Spaniards. As a Greek, Costas values the solid interpersonal relationship and trust which he and Francisco Alvarez had built over the years in trying to foster a successful joint venture. Costas was often employed to solve conflicts and mend damaged relationships. He also questioned the ethics of his company’s strategy to secretly achieve the upper hand in buyout negotiations. Alvarez, representing Terralumen, is from Spain. He shares many similar cultural characteristics with Costas, including patience and mutual respect. This explains how Costas and Alvarez have come to establish solid friendship and cooperation throughout the joint venture Add: Impedences: Ethics * Avoid retelling the facts of the case * Is there something in the Donaldson article on ethics? Geoff Dryden and the company he represented faced the ethical dilemma of how one should act when cross the national boundaries; with unfamiliar law and unclear ethical conduct he faced, one should question Geoff conduct. Geoff who had no overseas experience was transferred from US Delta snack food division to Europe had secretly made suggestion to let Terralumen default on its debt so that they can force a buyout. Geoff and Delta did not act ethically by pursuing this strategy which showed ethical imperialism of individual and the company which allowed it to happen; one should not act differently when away from home. People’s perception would be affected if they knew that Delta had intensionally let the other could have financial implication In addition, another unethical moment came from Bill Sawyer when he deceived Costas by suggesting that the company will be hiring someone with experience but in turn they hired someone with very little experience compared to Costas’s. The core values establish a moral compass for business practice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I honesty and integrity is a universal practice and by Bill’s actions and company’s tolerance of it, it represented low level of ethical standard for himself and the company that did not allow full disclosure in hiring process. Also Terralumen had decided to give power of attorney to one individual who can make a decision that will impact the entire joint venture existence; this decision represent unethical practice for the company. Terralumen should have full disclosure practice that would allow for all critical decision been communicated among joint venture. This practice would have allowed other members a chance to evaluate the decision taken by Terralumen and see what impacts will it have on the existing joint venture. To give the power of attorney to Francisco Alvarez without consultation of other member of joint venture represented unethical act. While the culture and personality of the decision makers impact the important choices made in cases like this one, equally important are the countless spreadsheets and documents that contain the financial factors integral to the success or failure of an international business affair. The original development plan agreed to in 1998 (exhibit 2) was a far more conservative approach that would see approximately ten new stores per year opened in Spain. With an initial capital investment of around $1 million per store, and a lengthy 18-24 period between the time of investment and the construction of the location, the venture would be operating on very thin margins in the early years, with the hope that the continued expansion would lead to higher profits in the latter years of the plan. Financial Analysis Insert your sources/citings Delta’s overly aggressive growth strategy set a goal at expanding at three times the pace of the 1998 agreement. Delta’s decision to utilize a consulting firm based in the U. S. might have been a contributing factor to this unrealistic goal. As Bell (2010) states, sometimes management needs to gather data in the potential market rather than just using desk and field reports. For example, the American consultants might not have been privy to the key money costs of around $100k paid off-the-books to property owners at the signing. With a goal of opening thirty stores per year, this would add an additional $3 million per year in expenses in addition to the other costly expenses. It would’ve also behooved the Delta consultants to consider the uncontrollable economic forces that were going to come into play with their expansion plans. While there were some key economic indicators in Spain working in Delta’s favor, such as a GDP went from just under 3. 5% in early 1997 to over 4. % in early 1998, there were also some warning signs that should have lead them to temper expectations in this market . One of these warning signs deals with Spain’s unemployment rate. As shown by the chart below, Spain’s unemployment rate during this time period was hovering around 20%, although it was beginning to show signs of improvement. While this might be a sign of many possible new hires to work in the restaurants, it also signals a rather weak economy and a potential dearth of customers. Some of the controllable forces that Delta could have adjusted their approach to help the joint venture deal with the exorbitant royalties and fees the company desired to collect from its Spanish partner right from the get-go. Squeezing the restaurants for this money in the early stages of expansions could have a demoralizing and costly effect on the local managers as they attempted to build their business and compete against better known Spanish restaurants. The growth strategy into Germany and France seems to be an overly optimistic one, as well. Blue Ridge already had failed at one attempt to enter the French market, and Germany has a culture vastly different than Spain. How could Delta prognosticate having 55 stores within three years in a country where the business model had been an abject failure years before? Without proper planning and a gradual implementation to determine whether the restaurant could succeed in these markets, the company could be faced with an overburdened agenda that could sink the entire plan. Other U. S. ompanies, such as Wal-Mart, learned this lesson the hard way. 1 Ball, D. A. , Geringer, J. M. , Minor, M. S. , and McNett, J. M. (2010) (Assessing and Analyzing Markets) International Business: the Challenge of Global Competition, (12th ed. ) pp 427-464, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin 2 Donaldson, T â€Å"Values in Tension: Ethics Away From Home. †Reprint No. 96502. Harvard Business Review, 2010. ,65 pg 69-72. http://www. coursesmart. com/9781609272852/firstsection#X2ludGVybmFsX1BGUmVhZGVyP 3htbGlkPTk3ODE2MDkyNzI4NTIvNzI=
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